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Auntie Bo's Toxic Past

June 12, 20246 min read


I feel sorry for Botox;
There i said it! Botox is the unpopular Auntie at the family wedding, the Auntie who puts £20 into everybody's birthday card every year, who attends every family event, holds back the hair of that family member who swore they would only have a couple, and frees the teens from the grips of Nanna Joy's life advice. Despite seeming kinda cool to the younger generations, Auntie Bo is kept cautiously distanced, her desire to support her family overshadowed by a reputation passed through recent generations by family elders who recall her wild-child days.


Poor Miss Understood Auntie Bo, will she ever fully untangle herself from her 80s reputation?

In the clinic, I often see clients starting their Botox journey much later in life because they always thought it was too soon for treatment. Meanwhile, younger generations—by younger, I mean 35+—who have begun the ageing process notice changes in their appearance but remain cautious. They worry Botox will make them look unnatural and frozen or that they'll be stuck with an expensive treatment regimen they can never quit.

So, for Auntie Bo's sake, let's debunk a few naughty Botox myths and clear the air so you can make an informed and educated decision about whether Botox is something you want to explore with your aesthetician.

To begin, let’s address Auntie Bo by her full name

Botox is the street name for Botulinum Toxin Type A. Allergan Botox is a brand of Botulinum, which has become synonymous with muscle-relaxing injections, much like vacuum cleaners are known as Hoovers in many households. For educational purposes (and to avoid copyright infringements), we'll refer to Botulinum Toxin by its real name for the remainder of this read—perhaps even shortening it to BTX for less of a mouthful!

"I don't want to look frozen."

Then, my dear, you won't! Auntie Bo's issue is that her reputation was set when BTX was one of the few anti-ageing treatments (I hate that term, but let's go with it for now) that worked. Because of that, it was used in excess with a more-is-more approach, leading to complete paralysis until you embrace the permanency of the Croydon facelift and employ Dr Surgeon!

As consumers, we now know much more about how our faces age, skincare ingredients, and how to mitigate the environmental factors that affect skin ageing.

as  aestheticians, we understand there's no 'magic' pill or one treatment. it's a layered approach—more is not more, and there's no one-size-fits-all. This is where btx is an incredible tool!

Think of the skin as a piece of paper. if you fold the paper firmly, it's almost impossible to remove the mark, whether you iron it flat or sit it under war and peace for a month. the line remains evident. our skin is similar; we are meant to have lines. our faces are incredibly expressive, and dynamic lines (those that appear as our faces move) are totally fine. however, as our skin ages, its cushiony quality reduces, making it less able to bounce back into shape. these are known as static lines—lines that remain evident even when we are not making expressions.

E N T E R A U N T I E B O ! !

With btx, the signal from the nerve to the muscle is blocked, and for a period of time, the muscle cannot move, thereby not deepening these forming lines and softening static lines already present.

the good news… while the folded paper is a dead tree, our skin is very much alive. we can do much to maintain its integrity and plumpness, slowing down its breakdown with treatments like microneedling to further soften and reduce lines through the skin's natural healing process. so, when the muscle's holiday is over, and it resumes pressure on the skin through its constant movement, the skin benefits from rest.

If you've employed an aesthetician to work on your skin and/or are administering good skincare, it is now better fed and more capable of handling the muscle's onslaught

"Once I start, I can't stop."

With a layered approach, BTX only needs to be administered 1, 2, or MAX 3 times a year, depending on factors like skin condition and age (your aesthetician will recommend the best schedule following a consultation). The point is, you don't have to spend your entire life with a hefty BTX bill and never raise your eyebrows again! BTX is better used as a preventative measure, not just a solution for existing lines and wrinkles.

It's too late for me; I have too many wrinkles

It's not too late. BTX will still help by softening fine lines and wrinkles and preventing deeper lines from worsening while your aesthetician works with you on a treatment plan to achieve your desired results.


Yes, 100% BTX is incredibly expensive; if you find it inexpensively, please run, run for the hills! BTX is a prescriptive medication, and its price for the consumer is, unfortunately, reflective of the price for the practitioner, so if you find btx cheaply, it is likely to be unlicensed… run!

if, my friend reading this, you have decided that btx is not for you at this point, but you do have fine lines and want to maintain the integrity of your skin without injectables. i have alternative options for you! not ‘botox in a bottle’, sadly claims of ‘botox in a bottle’ is marketing at its best; btx and its effects do not exist in any other form apart from injectable botulinum toxin

But there are things you can do to maintain and improve the integrity of your skin and slow its breakdown through the ageing process.


Do not underestimate the power of good skincare! Consistency here is vital, and good ingredients that are beneficial to your individual skin needs is the trick. I know skincare and ingredients can seem like a minefield, and it’s a HUGE subject! Your best bet is to see your aesthetician; they should be able to guide you into a good skincare programme according to your specific needs 

Boring Crap

I know it’s boring, but it needs to be said: lifestyle has an enormous impact. Eat a good, varied diet filled with colourful fruits and vegetables. Drink water, sleep and apply SPF all day, every day, especially through the tumultuous great British summer!

I hope this article has helped clear up a few myths.


Warm regards

Nicola .J. Agassi xx

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